The TDA Emergency Response Project, funded by Tearfund Canada and CFGB launched the day before yesterday and started the distribution of requested food items at the Tilo Mada site; today, January 12, 2022, for the identified affected families and individuals.
The project aimed to contribute to the improvement of the food and nutrition security status of 13,000 food insecure people, 4,550 malnourished children, and lactating and pregnant mothers in 10 Kebeles of Moyale District.
Among the ten selected kebeles in the project area, today’s distribution covered 6,200 beneficiaries from four kebeles, namely Ila Digalu, Malab, Laga-Sure, and Lalaba Iije.
In the following days, the food distribution will continue in the rest of the six kebeles to reach the remaining 6,800 beneficiaries. The requested food distribution list contains 1,448.85 MT of maize, pulses, oil, and famix. According to the project team, the distribution is to be continued on a monthly basis for the next six consecutive months.
According to Mr. Alemayehu Koysha; PDME Manager, stated in the project launching presentation held on November 29, 2022, at the Moyale Koket Hotel, "the overall goal of this project is to support the national relief intervention that aims to minimize mortality and morbidity among drought-affected people."
In the launching event, Oromiya National Regional State Borena Zone Chief Administrator, Moyale District Administrator, different stakeholders from district offices and representatives from 10 kebeles of the district, Mr. Wayne Jonson, CEO of Tearfund Canada, Bereket Tasew, Executive Director of TDA, and some of TDA staff presented.
During the session, Fitsum Degene, Head, Zone Finance & Planning, presented the worst scenario that has happened and is really happening right now.
Serving the whole person!